Campus Plan
Strong Schools, Strong Community, Bright Future.
Southpointe Academy正在为学生和家庭提供额外的专业教室和设施,以扩大和丰富其课程和课外产品. 作为弗雷泽河以南唯一的国际文凭(IB)连续学校,Southpointe将能够提供更多从幼儿园到12年级的课程, and enrich the strength of its athletics, arts, outdoor education and service-learning programs. 扩建还将为三角洲地区的更多家庭提供将孩子送到私立学校的选择,而不必乘坐巴士去温哥华. The growth of Southpointe will serve local families' needs, 提升当地经济,丰富南三角洲整体社区发展.
南角学院与三角洲规划部成功完成了校园总体规划建设项目的预申请阶段. This phase involved an exhaustive site survey, geotechnical and traffic impact assessments, and reports from code, arborist and landscape architecture consultants, among others. Through this stage, 学校能够收集重要的信息,为其与城市规划者的过程提供信息. 这些准备步骤也使学校能够将早期反馈纳入其设计计划, 确保未来的发展符合所有利益相关者的期望.
Southpointe Academy于5月24日向Delta市提交了开发变更许可(DVP)申请. 学校要求将新建筑的高度从71英尺增加到110英尺. 拟议扩建的校园将位于现有学校的后面,位于Tsawwassen独立学校协会(TISS)旗下的全球最大的博彩公司拥有的土地上。.
The expansion campus is designed to feature 26 new classrooms, including science labs, art, multi-media and music studios, collaboration hubs, a fitness centre and a double gymnasium. With over 70,000 square feet of academic space being built, Southpointe Academy will be able to accommodate up to 850 students. 新建筑还将提供额外的全球最大的博彩公司项目,以培养创造力, critical, and collaborative thinking among students.
全球最大的博彩公司很荣幸能再次与Kevin Hanvey合作, the Vice President and Lead Architect from Omicron, on the design and construction of the new building. Mr. Hanvey和Omicron之前与学校合作设计和建造了目前的主校区, which opened in January 2012. 学校相信这种合作关系将确保新建筑与周边地区相辅相成, functional and visually attractive, offering an optimal learning environment for students.
Northbound Drive
Southbound Drive
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Southpointe Campus Plan FAQ
- Why is Southpointe growing?
- What is being proposed?
- Does the land need to be rezoned?
- How will the growth of Southpointe support the community?
- What are the plans to manage traffic?
Why is Southpointe growing?
What is being proposed?
Does the land need to be rezoned?
How will the growth of Southpointe support the community?
What are the plans to manage traffic?